Peter Herrmann: Political Economy, Macroeconomics and Political System: General Theory and its Meaning in the Geopolitical Perspective on the Coronavirus Pandemic

作者: 时间:2024-05-27 点击数:

日前,由中南大学人权研究中心研究员Peter Herrmann教授独著的学术专著Political Economy, Macroeconomics and Political System: General Theory and its Meaning in the Geopolitical Perspective on the Coronavirus Pandemic在Nova Science出版社正式出版。


本书是中南大学人权研究中心近年来着力打造的“Human Rights Research Network”的重要成果之一。2020年以来,中心执行主任毛俊响教授、研究员Peter Herrmann教授探索构建跨国界、跨学科、多视角、多维度的人权学术网络,在国际人权学术领域宣介中国理念,传播中国智慧和中国方案。依托人权学术网络,中心筹划在西方学术界出版Human Rights - Looking for the Future系列丛书。



1. Between Ignorance and Murder: Racism in Times of Pandemic (Vienna Academic Press)

2. Human Rights in a Changing World: Reflections on Fundamental Challenges (Springer VS)

3. The Small Print of Human Rights: Experiences During the Pandemic from China, Ireland, South Africa, Turkey and Germany (Nova Science)

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