
作者: 时间:2022-05-24 点击数:

日内瓦(2022 年 5 月 20 日)—— 应中国政府邀请,联合国人权事务高级专员米歇尔·巴切莱特周一开始对中国进行为期六天的正式访问。这是联合国人权事务高级专员自2005年以来首次对中国进行国别访问。

在她访问期间,高级专员将在国家和地方两级会见一些高级官员。高级专员还将与民间社会组织、企业代表、学者会面,并向广州大学的学生发表演讲。巴切莱特将访问广州、喀什和乌鲁木齐。在任务结束时,巴切莱特将发表声明,并计划于 2022 年 5 月 28 日举行新闻发布会。包括时间和形式在内的详细信息将在当地发布的媒体公告中发布。自 4 月 25 日以来,一支由五人组成的先遣队一直在该国,为高级专员的访问做准备。该团队最初在广州度过了一段时间,根据 COVID-19 的旅行要求,他们在隔离期间进行了虚拟会议。隔离结束后,该团队在广州进行了会议和访问,然后前往新疆维吾尔自治区。结束


Bachelet to conduct official visit to China, 23-28 May 2022

GENEVA (20 May 2022) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Monday begins a six-day official mission to China, at the invitation of the Government. This is the first country visit by a UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to China since 2005.

During her visit, the High Commissioner is due to meet with a number of high-level officials at the national and local levels. The High Commissioner will also meet with civil society organisations, business representatives, academics, and deliver a lecture to students at Guangzhou University. Bachelet will visit Guangzhou, Kashgar and Urumqi.

At the end of her mission, Bachelet will issue a statement and is scheduled to hold a press conference on 28 May 2022. Details, including timing and format, will follow in a media advisory to be issued locally.

An advance team of five has been in the country since 25 April to prepare for the High Commissioner’s visit. The team initially spent time in Guangzhou, where they conducted virtual meetings while in quarantine in line with COVID-19 travel requirements. Following quarantine, the team undertook meetings and visits in Guangzhou before travelling to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.


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