
作者: 时间:2022-09-28 点击数:






改革开放40多年来,中国减少了8亿多贫困人口,占全球减贫人口总数的74%,成为对全球减贫贡献最大的国家。中国已建成世界最大规模的教育体系、最大规模的社保体系、最大规模的基层民主选举体系。中国为7.7亿人提供就业,实现9年义务教育全覆盖,关爱2.3亿老年人、700多万大学毕业生和8500万残疾人,保障6000多万城乡低保人口基本生活。此外,覆盖城乡的公共文化服务体系也不断完善, 2020年,全国共有公共图书馆3212个,博物馆5788家,文化馆3321个。


China is A True Practitioner to Promote and Protect Human Rights

Respectful Chair,

My name is DENG Tingting. I am speaking on behalf of the China Society for Human Rights Studies.

Promotion and protection of human rights is a basic principle of modern civilization, and also the unwavering goal of the Chinese government. As the largest developing country with 1.4 billion people, China knows full well what development means. Only when the right to development is ensured could there be a strong guarantee for other human rights.

Over the past four decades since the launch of reform and opening-up, China has lifted more than 800 million people out of poverty, accounting for 74% of poverty reduction worldwide. This makes China the largest contributor to the global effort of poverty eradication. China has established the world's largest education, social insurance and primary-level democratic election systems. China has created jobs for 770 million people. Every child and teenager enjoys nine-year compulsory education. Care and support is provided to 230 million senior citizens, over 7 million college graduates and 85 million people with disabilities. More than 60 million urban and rural residents receive subsistence allowance from the government. Moreover, China’s public cultural services have continued to improve. In 2020, China had 3,212 public libraries, 5,788 museums, 3,321 cultural centers.

Thank you!

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